ТОО Джерех энерго-сервис

Jereh Group

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Jereh Achieving Manufacturing Localization of Snubbing Unit

[03-04-2014] Click:

On February 25th, 2014, Jereh snubbing unit (Model 340K) successfully completed the operation at Changning-Weiyuan demonstrative shale gas mining block, Sichuan, the same site as China’s first shale gas zipperfrac operation, setting up the first application of China-made equipment for high pressure shale gas wells. Its success breaks the monopoly by foreign manufacturers on this product, and more importantly, achieves the manufacturing localization of key energy equipment in China.

The lifting capacity of Jereh model 340K snubbing unit can be up to 160 tons, the largest so far manufactured in China. By Feb. 25th, the operation of two wells had been finished with the depth of 2850m at the pressure up to 30-45MPa. And the unit will continue the service for another four wells.

Due to the existence of some risk factors during the operation including high pressure and toxic gases, security and stability cannot be guaranteed by China-made equipment subject to weak technical capacity compared with those foreign leading manufacturers. Meanwhile, with the complex operation conditions under ultra-deep, high pressure, high H2S, as well as large diameter pipe, the demand for greater lifting & snubbing capacity, more reliable technical performance is increasingly strong.

For it, Jereh has established deep cooperation with foreign manufacturers of snubbing units to enhance its capability on design, production, construction technology etc. By now, Jereh has acquired core technology with much independent intellectual property to ensure the security and stability of the equipment. There are model 340K, 150K (70 tons), 170K (80 tons), 225K (100 tons), 240K (110 tons), breaking market monopoly by large foreign companies and protecting the national energy security.

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